

Denisova-Schmidt. E. (2024). Breaking the Bonds of Corruption: From Academic Dishonesty to Informal Business Practices in Post-Soviet Ukraine. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. & Leontyeva, E. (2022). Korruptsiya na Dal’nem Vostoke: kompromiss mezhdu narodom i vlast’yu. (Engl.: Corruption in the Russian Far East: Compromise between the Society and the Government). Moscow: Common Place.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (Ed.) (2020). Corruption in higher education: global challenges and responses. Leiden: Brill.
Featured in UWN, 23 November 2019;
Reviewed by Karen MacGregor, Goolam Mohamedbhai, and Jan Petter Myklebust.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (Ed.). (2018). Cheating and plagiarism in higher education. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB) 3 (17), Moscow: HSE.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2017). The challenges of academic integrity in higher education: current trends and outlook. CIHE Perspectives 5. Chestnut Hill: Boston College.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Russlanddeutsche. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Zeitzeugen erzählen über Heimat, Migration und Engagement. Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag.
Featured in Mir Rossii, March, 2017

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2013b). Siuzhety o korrupcii v rossiiskich fil’mach i serialach: Vzgliad rossiiskich studentov. (Engl.: The Representation of Corruption in Russian Movies and Sitcoms: A Russian Student Perspective.) Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2013a). Korrupciia v Rossii: aktual'nye tendencii i perspektivy. Vzgliad rossiiskich studentov (Engl.: Corruption in Russia: Current Trends and Outlooks. A Russian Student Perspective.) Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2012). Korrupciia v povsednevnoi zhisni, biznesse i kul’ture: vzgliad rossiiskich studentov (Engl.: Corruption in Everyday Life, Business and Culture: A Russian Student Perspective). Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.


Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Academic integrity and international students: an inclusive approach. In Eaton, S. E. (Ed.): International Handbook of Academic Integrity. Springer.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Academic Integrity Through the Lens of Informality. In: Curtis, G.J. (eds) Academic Integrity in the Social Sciences. Ethics and Integrity in Educational Contexts, vol 6. (201−212). Springer, Cham.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Diversity and Inclusion in the European Boardroom. In B. Hofer-Bonfim, M. Zehetgruber, E. Peters, & J. Schnitzer (Eds.): Diversity and Inclusion across languages. Insights into communicative challenges from theory and practice (pp. 189−204). Berlin: Frank&Timme.

Markovina, I., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2021). Этнопсихолингвистическая теория лакун / Ethnolinguistic theory of lacunae. In I. Sternin, N. Ufimtseva & Myagkova, E. (Eds.): Российская психолингвистика: итоги и перспективы (1966–2021): Коллективная монография / Russian Psycholinguistics: Results and Prospects (1966–2021): a Research Monograph (pp. 172−178). Moskva: Институт языкознания–ММА / Institute of Linguistics RAS–MIA.

Denisova-Schmidt E. (2021) Mitigating Corruption in Higher Education. In: van't Land H., Corcoran A., Iancu DC. (Eds.) The Promise of Higher Education (pp. 153−159). Springer, Cham.

Denisova-Schmidt E., Firnhaber P. (2021). Smooth Operator: The Chair as the Drive Belt of the German Governance System. In: Shekshnia S., Zagieva V. (Eds.) Leading a Board (pp. 211−236). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yaşargil H., Denisova-Schmidt E. (2021). Turkey: Between Traditional and Modern Leadership. In: Shekshnia S., Zagieva V. (Eds.) Leading a Board (pp. 341−364). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. & Schmidt, T. (2020). Russian language in Switzerland. In B. Norman & H. Kusse (Eds.), The Russian language outside Russia (pp. 270−292). Yekaterinburg and Moscow: Armchair Scientist.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2019). Cross-Cultural Differences among Students: Challenges and Opportunities for Intelligent Internationalization. In K. A. Godwin & H. de Wit (Eds.), Intelligent Internationalization. The Shape of Things To Come (pp. 56−60), Leiden: Brill/Sence.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Firnhaber, P. (2019). Smooth Operator: The Chair as the Drive Belt of the German Governance System. In S. Shekshnia & V. Zagieva (Eds.), Leading a Board. Chairs’ Practices Across Europe (pp. 139−160). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yaşargil, H., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2019). Turkey: Between Traditional and Modern Leadership. In S. Shekshnia & V. Zagieva (Eds.), Leading a Board. Chairs’ Practices Across Europe (pp. 161−180). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Prytula, Y., Pohorila, N., Tyahlo, S., Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Huber, M. (2019). Recent regional economic development in Ukraine: does history help to explain the differences?
In U. Schmid & O. Myshlovska (Eds.), Regionalism without Regions: Reconceptualizing Ukraine’s Heterogeneity (pp. 297−366). Budapest: CEU Press.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2019). Corruption in higher education. In Teixeira, P. N., & Shin, J.-C. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of international higher education systems and institutions. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2018). Corruption, the lack of academic integrity and other ethical issues in higher education: What can be done within the Bologna process? In A. Curaj, L. Deca, & R. Pricopie (Eds.), European higher education area: the impact of past and future policies (pp. 61–75). Chem: Springer.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2018b). Shpargalka (Cheat Sheets). In A. Ledeneva (Ed.), The global encyclopaedia of informality, Volume 2: Understanding social and cultural complexity (pp. 287–289). London: UCL Press.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Kryzhko, O. (2018). Weiterbildung zum Umgang mit Korruption in Russland. In S. Wolf & P. Graeff (Eds.), Korruptionsbekämpfung vermitteln (pp. 269−288). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2017). The Unified State Exam in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. In G. Mihut, P. G. Altbach, & H. de Wit (Eds.) Understanding Global Higher Education (pp. 261−263). Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Prytula, Y. (2016). Corruption among Ukrainian businesses: do firm size, industry and region matter? In J. Leither, & H. Meissner (Eds.) State Capture, Political Risks and International Business. Cases from Black Sea Region (pp. 108−119). London and New York: Routledge.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). Academic Dishonesty or Corrupt Values: the Case of Russia. In D. Torsello (Ed.), Corruption in Public Administration: an Ethnographic Approach (pp. 105−137). Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2016). The Shadow Economy and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine. In A. Sauka, F. Schneider, & C. C. Williams (Eds.), ‘The Entrepreneurship and Shadow Economy’, (pp. 151−168). Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Müller, M., & Schmid, U. (2015). Russia. In Y. Sánchez & C. F. Brühwiler (Eds.), Transculturalism and Business in the BRIC States: A Handbook (pp. 207−228). London and New York: Routledge.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Transcultural Studies in a Russian Context. In Y. Sánchez & C. F. Brühwiler (Eds.), Transculturalism and Business in the BRIC States: A Handbook (pp. 95−102). London and New York: Routledge.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2013). How Unwritten Rules Can Influence Human Resource Management in Russia. In Ch. Giordano & N. Hayoz (Eds.), Informality in Eastern Europe (pp. 383−400). Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Informal Practices in Russia. State Influence on the Business Activities of Foreign Companies Operating in Russia. In Z. Mansfeldova & H. Pleines (Eds.), Informal relations from democratic representation to corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 205−224). Stuttgart: Ibidem Publishers.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Lakunen-Analyse zur empirischen Forschung interkultureller Kommunikation − Methodologie. In O. Rösch (Ed.): Osteuropa – interkulturelle, interlinguale und kulturvergleichende Studien. (pp. 170−187). Berlin: News & Media (Wildauer Schriftenreihe Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Bd. 7.).

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Geschäftspartner Russland. Erfahrungen mit einem europäischen Land der besonderen Art. In: A.-C. Tanner, C. Siebeneck, & B. Brändli (Eds.): Schweiz und Europa - Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft. 6. Band der Schriftenreihe der Assistierenden der Universität St. Gallen (HSG). (pp. 165−172). Bern: Stämpfli Verlag.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Cross-Cultural Communication in Russia. Current Trends in the Establishment of a Discipline. In D. Haunreiter (Ed.): Kommunikation in Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft. 5. Band der Schriftenreihe der Assistierenden der Universität St. Gallen (HSG). (pp. 123−140). Bern: Stämpfli Verlag.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Kulturbedingte Unterschiede und Verstehensprobleme zwischen russischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern. In: M. Bürgel & A. Umland (Eds.), Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Hochschullehre in Osteuropa IV: Chancen und Hindernisse internationaler Bildungskooperation (pp. 244−263). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2006). Kulturbedingte Unterschiede und Verstehensprobleme („Lakunen“) zwischen russischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern.
In A. Wolff, & R. Zollner (Eds.): Umbrüche. (pp, 185−206). Regensburg (= Materialien Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Bd. 76).

Denisova, E. (2003). Anforderungen an die interkulturelle Kommunikation in Russland und mögliche Antworten des Fremdsprachenunterrichts an Beispielen aus dem Ural.
In O. Rösch (Ed.): Veränderungen in Europa – Anforderungen an interkulturelle Kommunikation mit osteuropäischen Partnern. (pp. 150−159). Berlin: News & Media. (Wildauer Schriftenreihe Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Bd. 5.).


Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2024). Korruption und Informalität in Russland. Zeitschrift für Slawistik

Barsukova, S., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). “Lots of Money, Few Restrictions and a lot of Creativity”: The Changing Role of Political Strategists in Russia. Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 31(4), 435-459.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Applied Aspects of Lacuna Theory. Mir Rossii, 32(3), 167-179

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Markovina, I. (2023). Racism and related concepts in the Russian linguistic consciousness. Zeitschrift für Slawistik, 83-97.

Denisova-Schmidt E. (2023). Academic dishonesty at Russian universities: a historical overview. Universe of Russia32(1), 159−181.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Korruption im Hochschulwesen. Scheinwerfer – Das Magazin gegen Korruption, 97, 14.

Denisova-Schmidt, E, Huber, M., & Prytula, Y. (2022). Perceived Anonymity and Cheating in an Online Experiment. Eastern European Economics, 60(6), 540−558.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Der Instrumentenkasten russischer Polittechnologen. Scheinwerfer – Das Magazin gegen Korruption, 95, 8.

Barsukova, S. & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Double standards as modus operandi: mixing business and politics in Russia. Europe-Asia Studies, 74(6), 990−1005.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. & Solovyeva, A. (2022). On subregional differences in attitudes towards petty corruption in Far East RussiaDemokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 30 (2), 187−210.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2021). Responses to the challenges of training and retaining scholars in Russian academia. Mir Rossii, 30(3), 174–187.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., Leontyeva, E., & Solovyeva, A. (2021). Combining experimental evidence with machine learning to assess anti-corruption educational campaigns among Russian university students. Empirical Economics, 60, 1661–1684.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Markovina, I., & Nicolas-Kryzhko, L. (2020). The lacuna model – an innovative tool for analyzing cross-cultural differences. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 20(3), 329−343.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2020). The end of the academic profession in Russia? Mir Rossii, 29(3), 86−95.

Barsukova, S. & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2020). Political “investments” by businesses in Russia, or why does business finance election campaigns? Polis. Political Studies, 3, 110−125.

Denisova-Schmidt, Huber, M. & Prytula, Y. (2019). The effects of anti-corruption videos on attitudes toward corruption in a Ukrainian online survey, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 60(3), 304−332.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Prytula, Y., & Rumyantseva, N. (2019). Beg, borrow, or steal: determinants of student academic misconduct in Ukrainian higher education. Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 3(1), 4−27.

Barsukova, S., Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Ledeneva, A. (2018). Informalität oder Korruption Kritik der quantitativen Korruptionsforschung. Osteuropa, 8/9, 25−40.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2018). Corruption in doing business in Ukraine: a way to get things done? Business Horizons, 61(6), 867−879.

Milovanovitch, M., Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Anapiosyan, A. (2018). Conflict of interest in Eastern Europe: “academic capture”. International Higher Education, 92, 34−35.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2017). Academic career challenges for women in Switzerland. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB), 14(4), 16−17.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2017). Ukraine: endemic higher education corruption. International Higher Education, 90, 16−18.
Featured in Times Higher Education, June 2017; Science, October, 2019.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & de Wit, H. (2017). The global challenge of corruption in higher education. IAU HORIZONS, 22(1), 28−29. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2017). Perceived corruption and trust among Ukrainian firms. Eastern European Economics, 55(4), 324−341.

Shekshnia, S., Ledeneva, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2017). Managing business corruption: targeting non-compliant practices in systematically corrupt environments. Slavonic and East European Review, 95(1), 151−174.
Featured in Harvard Business Review Russia, September, 2017

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). Corruption in Russian Higher Education. Russian Analytical Digest, 191, 5-9.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). The Global Challenge of Academic Integrity. International Higher Education, 87, 4-6. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Leontyeva, E. (2016). On the Development of Students Attitudes towards Corruption and Cheating in Russian Universities. European Journal of Higher Education, 6 (2), 128−143.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Leontyeva, E. (2016). Do anti-corruption educational campaigns reach students? Some evidence from two cities in Russia and Ukraine, Voprosy Obrazovaniia, 1, 61−83.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Prytula, Y. (2016). Liike-elämän korruptio Ukrainassa (Engl.: Business corruption in Ukraine), Idäntutkimus, The Finish Review of East European Studies, 1, 94−95.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Huber, M., & Prytula, Y. (2015). An experimental evaluation of an anti-corruption intervention among Ukranian university students. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 56(6), 713−734.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2015). Categoriia ‚neobuchaemykh‘ studentov kak sozial’naia baza universiteta: primer dal’nevostochnykh vuzov (Engl.: ‘Un-Teachable’ Students as the Social Basis of Universities: Examples from the Russian Far East), Sociologicheskie Issledovaniia, 9, 90-97.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Kryzhko, O. (2015). Managing informal business practices in Russia: the experience of foreign companies. Mir Rossii, 24(4), 149−174.

Rumyantseva, N. L., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Institutional Corruption in Russian Universities. International Higher Education, 82, 18−19.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2015). Academic Dishonesty or Corrupt Values: the Case of Russia. Brussels, EU: ANTICORRP.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). Institutional Performance and Social Values in Russia. Brussels, EU: ANTICORRP.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Leontyeva, E., & Prytula, Y. (2014). Vozmozhnosti sravnitel’nogo podkhoda v issledovaniiakh rossiiskoi i ukrainskoi sistem vysshego obrazovaniia: genezis, struktura, korrupciia (Engl.: Russian and Ukrainian Higher Education Systems: Possibilities for Comparative Studies on their Genesis, Structure and Corruption). Khavarovsk: Vestnik TOGO, 3, 263-266.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2014). The Unified State Exam in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. International Higher Education, 76, 22−23.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., Shekshnia, S., & Ledeneva, A. (2014). Anti-Corruption Strategies for Businesses Operating in Russia. Russian Analytical Digest, 144: 5-8.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Huber, M. (2014) Regional differences in perceived corruption among Ukrainian firms, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 55(1), 10−36.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). Korruption und informelle Praktiken im ukrainischen Geschäftsleben. Ukraine-Analysen, 130, 16−19.

Shekshnia, S., Ledeneva, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). How to Mitigate Corruption in Emerging Markets: The Case of Russia. Harvard University: Edmond J. Safra Working Papers, 36, http://ssrn.com/abstract=2391950

Shekshnia, S., Ledeneva, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2013). Reflective Leadership vs. Endemic Corruption in Emerging Markets. INSEAD Working Paper 2013/121/EFE.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2014). Justification of Academic Corruption at Russian Universities: A Student Perspective. Edmond J. Safra Working Papers, No. 30,  http://ssrn.com/abstract=2353513

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Dashidorzhieva, B. (2013). How international retailers recruit employees in Russia: some cultural peculiarities. Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2(18), 136−148.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2013). Corruption in higher education and research: Russia.  Vytautas Magnus University. Coping with new legal challenges in education. Kaunas (Lithuania), 55−62.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Leontyeva, E. (2012). Do Russian universities teach their students to be corrupt? Some empirical evidence from the Far East. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives, 10(3), 258−275.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2012). Corruption and informal practices in Russia. Euxeinos, Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe 7. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Quota for the employment of disabled people in Russia: strategies for compliance. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies collection, 1(4), 1−6.

Human Resource Management in Russia: Some Unwritten Rules. In: WU Online Papers in International Business Communication/Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning, No. 8, 2011. 13 p. 

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Korruption und informelle Praktiken im russischen Geschäftsleben: Fallbeispiele aus der Sicht ausländischer Unternehmer. Russland-Analysen, 210: 8−10.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Russkie kompanii v Evrope. Laboratorija Kasperskogo i Sberbank. Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 3, 10.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Russkii yazyk v Germanii. Russkii yazyk za rubezhom, 6, 61−62.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). Six situations in Russia. A cross culture check. ENGINE, Englisch für Ingenieure, 2, 39.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). Internationale Unternehmen in Russland: Herausforderungen für das HR-Management. Persorama, das Magazin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Human Resources Management, 2, 20−23.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). The Transfer of Western Human Resource Practices to Russian Subsidiaries.  WU Online Papers in International Business Communication/Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning, No. 2.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2007). Analiz lakun. Voprosy etnopsycholinguistiki, 6, 39−51.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2007). Interkulturelle Missverständnisse im Schüleraustausch. Merkblatt für Lehrer/Lehrerinnen und Eltern. Hamburg: Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2007). Using the lacuna model to detect cultural problems in American-Russian business communication. An example from the civil aircraft industry. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Beitrag zur Festschrift für Renate Rathmayr, 66, 73−90.

Denisova, E. (2004). Gebrauchsanweisung für das Medienportal und die Moodle-Plattform zum Thema "Muttersprachler im Russischunterricht". Praktika - Forum für den Russischunterricht, 4, 42−44.

Ertelt-Vieth, A., & Denisova, E. (2004). Internetplattform „Muttersprachler im Russischunterricht“ − Ein neues Projekt an der Humboldt-Universität. Praktika – Forum für den Russischunterricht 1, 50−52.

Denisova, E. English-Speaking Countries. Tests.
In English. Anglijskij jazyk. No. 36; (23 - 30 September) 2003


Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2024). Academic excellence initiatives: global perspectives: Academic star wars: excellent initiatives in global perspectives, edited by Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach, and Jamil Salmi, Cambridge, MA, London, England, MIT Press, 2023. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360080X.2024.2378509

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). A Roadmap to the Future of Academic Integrity Research. Tracey Bretag (ed.): A Research Agenda for Academic Integrity. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 22(1), 160−161.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2023). Higher education in Russia by Yaroslav Kuzminov and Maria Yudkevich, foreword by Philip G. Altbach, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. European Journal of Higher Education,13(2), 255−256.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2022). Universities in Russia: An Insider’s Perspective.
Kuzminov Y., Yudkevich M. Universities in Russia: How It Works, Moscow: HSE (in Russian). Mir Rossii, 31(1), 203−209.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2016). Philip G. Altbach: Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 6, 53.

Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Mezenin, S. (2016). Serghei Golunov: The Elephant in the Room. Corruption and Cheating in Russian Universities. Europe-Asia Studies, 68(3), 539−540.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2013). Alena V. Ledeneva: Can Russia Modernise? Sistema, Power Networks and Informal Governance. Osteuropa, 10, 222−223.

Das System Putin. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (2013), Nr. 199, S. 8

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2011). Ulrich Schmid: Lew Tolstoi. Osteuropa, 61 (7), 176–177.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2010). Loren Graham and Irina Dezhina: Science in the New Russia. Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 54(2), 406−407.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Joachim Willems: Interkulturalität und Interreligiosität. Eine konstruktivistische Perspektive. Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 14(2), 2.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2009). Mikhail Ivanov: Survival Russian. Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 53(2), 332−334.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). James G. S. Clawson and Mark E. Haskins: Teaching Management. A Field Guide for Professors, Consultants, and Corporate Trainers.
Business Communication Quarterly, 71(4), 505−509.

Denisova-Schmidt, E. (2008). Astrid Ertelt-Vieth: Interkulture Kommunikation und kultureller Wandel. Eine empirische Studie zum russisch-deutschen Schüleraustausch.
Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 52(2), 332−333.


AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 58, Issue 1, February, 2015: 9.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages),Vol. 57, Issue 4, December 2014: 7.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 57, Issue 3, October 2014: 11.

(with E. Kudrjavceva) AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 56, Issue 3-4, December 2013: 7.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 56, Issue 2, April 2013: 5-6.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 55, Issue 3, October 2012: 2-3.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 55, Issue 1, February 2012: 16-17.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 54, Issue 4, December 2011: 14.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 54, Issue 2, April 2011: 10. 

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 54, Issue 1, February 2011: 11. 

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 53, Issue 4, December 2010: 11.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
, Vol. 53, Issue 3, October 2010: 9.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
, Vol. 53, Issue 1, February 2010: 13.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
, Vol. 52, Issue 4, December 2009: 9.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 52, Issue 3, October 2009: 13.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 52, Issue 2, April 2009: 15.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 52, Issue 1, February 2009: 14.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 51, Issue 4, December 2008: 8.

AATSEEL Newsletter (The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Vol. 51, Issue 3, October 2008: 9.


Denisova-Schmidt, E., & Kryzhko, O. (2017). New Approaches to the Study of Cross-Cultural Differences. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 12740

Informal Practices of Doing Business in Russia.
Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, 2-4 December, 2010, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna: 131-139. 

Geschäftsleben in Russland: interkulturelle Missverständnisse.
In: Tagungsband der 7. Konferenz für Fremdsprachen & Business Kommunikation in der internationalen Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf, 2008: 69-72.

Cultural Conflicts in American-Russian Business Communication: An Example from the Civil Aircraft Industry.
In: AATSEEL Annual Meeting, 27-30 December 2006, Philadelphia, PA: 137.

Kulturelle Besonderheiten des Personalmanagements in Russland.
In: the Sixth Interdisciplinary Symposium European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication (EUKO), 15-17 November, 2006, Abo Akademi, Finland: 25-26.

Berlin segodnja: vostok i zapad? Inter- i intrakul'turnye osobennosti ob'edinennoj stolicy Germanii.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii, Moskva, 30.05-02.06 2006 g. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2006: 93.

Mežkul'turnye osobennosti i problemy v amerikano-rossijskich delovych vsaimootnošenijach na primere aviacionnoj promyšlennosti.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii, Moskva, 30.05-02.06 2006 g. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2006: 94.

(mit Ertelt-Vieth, A.): Kul'turnye različija i problemy ("lakuny") meždu nemeckimi i rossijskimi učenymi.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii. Moskva, 30.05-02.06 2006. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2006: 359.

Berlin segodnja: Vostok i Zapad? Empiričeskoe issledovanie o mežkul’turnych osobennostjach meždu vostočnymi i zapadnymi nemcami.
In: Oleg F. Rodin (Hg.): Mežkul’turnaja kommunikacija: sovremennye tendenzii i opyt. Materialy II. Vserossijskoj naučo-praktičeskoj konferencii. Nižnij Tagil, 2006: 38-42.

Einsatz von Lernmanagementsystemen für die Lehrerbildung (am Beispiel „Muttersprachler im Russischunterricht“).
In: 21. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), München, 3.-6. Oktober, 2005. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: 120.

(mit Ertelt-Vieth, A.): Was Sie schon immer über LAKUNEN wissen wollten.... In: 21. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), München, 3.-6. Oktober, 2005. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: 190.

Vostočnye i zapadnye berlincy segodnja.
In: Šestaja meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Perevod i mežkul’turnaja kommunikacija“, Jekaterinburg, 2004: 189-190.

East and West Berlin from the Perspective of Berliners Today.
In: II. Konferenz zur DDR-Forschung “Überhaupt ist vieles viel verschiedener", an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin vom 03.-05.10.2003: 82.

Interkul‘turnoe i intrakul’turnoe.
In: Evgenij F. Tarasov (Hg.): Jazykovoe soznanie, ustojavšeesja i spornoe. XIV Meždunarodnyj simpozium po psicholinguistike i teorii kommunikacii, Moskva, 29-31 maja 2003 g. Moskau (Selbstverlag) 2003: 73-74.

East and West Berlin from the Perspective of Russian Scientist Today.
In: Pjataja meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Perevod i mežkul‘turnaja kommunikacija“, Jekaterinburg, 2003: 136-137.

Vzaimodejstvie jazyka i kul’tury: ponjatija "fonovye znanija", "lakuna".
In: Četvertaja meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Perevod i mežkulturnaja kommunikacija“, Jekaterinburg, 2002: 45-47.

Gosudarstvennyi obrazovatel‘nyi standart, nacional‘no-regional‘nyi komponent na primere Sverdlovskoj oblasti.
In: Vserossijskaja naučnaja konferencija „Nacional‘no-regional‘nye komponenty gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel‘nogo standarta, Kazan‘: TGGI, 2002: 31-36.

Lingvokul‘turnyi potencial učebnogo predmeta "Inostrannyi jazyk".
In: Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija „Informacija. Kommunikacija. Obšcestvo.“, St. Petersburg, 2002: 83.

Razvitie motivacii k izučeniju inostrannogo jazyka s oporoj na nacional‘no-regional‘nyi material v staršich klassach obščeobrazovatel‘noj školy. Autoreferat zur Dissertation – Uraler Staatliche Pädagogische Universität, Jekaterinburg, 2002. 21 Seiten.

Formirovanie i stanovlenie kul‘tury ličnosti v processe škol‘nogo obrazovanija. In: Social‘no-psichologiĿeskie problemy razvitija ličnosti. Materialy I Vserossijskoj naucnoj internet-konferencii. Vyp. IV, TGU, Tambov, 2001: 46-48.

Ličnostno-dejatel‘nostnyj podchod čerez prizmu nacional‘no-regional‘nogo komponenta.
In: Dejatel‘nostnye zadanija v sisteme monitoringa. Materialy IV naučno-praktičeskoj konferencii, Polytechnisches Gymnasium MOU, Nižnij Tagil, 2001: 44-45.

Vvedenie nacional‘no-regional‘nogo komponenta na territorii Sverdlovskoj oblasti: teorija i praktika.
In: Obrazovanie v XXI veke. Materialy Vserossijskoj naučnoj zaočnoj konferencii. Kniga 1: Obrazovanie i kul‘tura na poroge XXI veka. Tver‘, 2001: 140-142.

Prepodavanie inostrannych jazykov v Rossii: rol‘ znanij o mežkul‘turnoj kommunikacii i mentalitete naroda stran izučaemogo jazyka.
In: Etnos. Jazyk. Kul‘tura: nacional‘noe i individual‘noe mirovidenie. Materialy tret‘ej Vserossijskoj naučnoj konferencii. Vyp. 3. Slavjansk-na-Kubani, 2001: 48-49.

Interes kak motiv učebnoj dejatel‘nosti.
In: Molodye učenye Volgo-Ural‘skogo regiona na rubeže vekov. Materialy jubilejnoj naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych. Ufa, 2001: 75-76.

Lingvostranovedenie kak didaktičeskij princip prepodavanija inostrannych jazykov.
In: Molodye učenye Volgo-Ural‘skogo regiona na rubeže vekov. Materialy jubilejnoj naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych, Ufa, 2001: 215-216.

Soderžanie obrazovanija. Sovremennye tendencii.
In: Molodye učenye Volgo-Ural‘skogo regiona na rubeže vekov. Materialy jubilejnoj naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych. Ufa, 2001: 216-218.